Ældste Holbrook adn Ældste Peterson with some good friends.

Three servants of the Lord.
Ældste Holbrook and Ældste Peterson at the Coppa family home.
Thoughtful and so HANDSOME!!
Ældste Peterson and Morfar looking at pictures!
Look at how cute he is...... I just love him so much he is the best!!
Taking a little NAP or is he faking it :o)
The six Elders from Allerød Ward. What a good looking bunch of young men.
Playground by Mormor and Morfars house!!
AND he is hanging in there! Back at his old stomping ground where he played as a kid.
How fun it is for Ældste Holbrook to be back in a place that he spend so many times as a kid. He is having a BLAST and enjoy it so much.