Monday, January 27, 2014

Another week in Sønderborg but it is close to the end in this area I think!

Ældste Holbrook has been on a mission for 6 months this week. It is CRAZY how fast time flies! We MISS him so much but are so grateful for ALL that he is becoming!

 There have been so MANY great moments in Sønderborg for Ældste Holbrook, here is one of them.

 Ældste Holbrook and Brother Chapman. He has been there for Ældste Holbrook and will always mean something special for us as a family!

Missionary humor :o) Ældste Wrible is going home soon and they are giving him a "proper" send off :o)

  Look a little scary here Ældste!! Are you trying to make us jump out of the seats!!

 Ældste Holbrook and Ældste Hansen! They have had some GREAT times together that is for sure!

Cute kids in  Sønderborg branch!  Ældste Holbrook loves kids, he always have and this shows us that he still does!!!

 Ældste Holbrook might be getting transferred next week but that does not matter. He will miss  Sønderborg branch and I am sure they will miss him but life goes on. He will go where the Lord sends him and he will serve the BEST way he can!! We LOVE you Ældste Holbrook, you ARE a man among men ;o)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Basketball and visits with great friends!

So this week they had the District leader visit and they did splits together. Ældste Holbrook went out and had some great visits with Ældste Hansen and they enjoyed being together again. Ældste Holbrook and Ældste Enniss got a referral from a member on Sjælland and they had a wonderful visit with these 2 new investigators.

 Ældste Enniss and Ældste Holbrook at Yaseen's home. They look pretty good here :o)

 Ældste Holbrook and Ældste Hafen getting ready for the BIG game night! Will they go 4 and 0 do you think?

 Six Ældster ready to play and teach the Danes a little B-Ball. AND they WON ALL 4 games. They were told after that they brought a wonderful spirit and that the other teams saw their unity. A great night and maybe a few new investigators.

Ældste Enniss and two beautiful swans. The male swan is saying: "Hey, you there do NOT get too close to my wife" :o)

 Ældste Enniss, Andrea and Ældste Holbrook.

Ældste Hafen, Ældste Enniss, Ældste Holbrook and Ældste Wrible. They have had a great time living together.

Ældste Holbrook told me in an email that this is his FAVORITE companion picture of him and Ældste Enniss together. I Like it too. They look pretty great. We love you Ældste Holbrook!!!

I am thinking it is almost time for Ældste Holbrook to get transferred for the FIRST time. He has been in Sonderborg for almost 5 1/2 months and he has been out on his mission for almost 6 months. Time goes by so fast and we will know soon where he will go next. Only time and the Mission President can tell where he will go next :o) 

Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 what will happen for Ældste Holbrook this year ??

A NEW year and a new start for us all to get more out of life and to get closer to the Lord. I know I have set goals that I want to become more like Him in 2014.

Ældste Holbrook with Andrea. What a SWEET picture, I LOVE it :o)
 Ældste Holbrook and Ældste Wrbile have fun with the kids and LEGO. They always bring a kid out in you!!

 Ældste Holbrook and Peter, he will for sure miss this great man when he gets transferred.

A great start to a New Year. We can all learn and grow in 2014 and that is what this life is ALL about becoming a little better and a little more kind!

Monday, January 6, 2014

First New Years Eve away from home.

So we have a HUGE family tradition every year at New Year Eve. Most of our family gets together and we have a very NICE steak dinner, special drink (Grandpa Holbrook's recipe), homemade chips and dips and lots of other great foods. We play games visit and just enjoy each others company. So this was a hard day to be away from home for Ældste Holbrook, BUT he handled it with style :o)

 Yoga fun with some sweet kids :o)

 They are getting into the spirit of the new year with healthier habits like exercising :o)

AND then you see this. WOW... this looks FANTASTIC and I would LOVE to be there and have some :o)

 AND look at this too. How I miss Denmark and the great treats over there. Bring me HOME ;o)

 Sweet Danish friend and Ældste Hafen.

Ældste Holbrook is REALLY getting into the spirit of the NEW YEAR!! I LOVE it :o)

 Ældste Holbrook have always LOVE kids and it is no different for him in Denmark.

Fireworks are HUGE on New Years Even in Denmark. Ældste Holbrook had a lot of fun watching it!

2014 and four GREAT Ældster !!!

 Ældste Wrible and Ældste Hafen in the apartment they all 4 share.

 Ældste Hafen on splits with Ældste Holbrook!!

 Beautiful Denmark has so MANY bridges and here is one of them!! I love the way this looks.

Ældste Holbrook, we love and MISS you and we are so grateful for all you give to us. Thanks for serving the Lord in my home country!!